Why Should I Become a Member?
Become a CID Member!
Representing our country on the international arena, the Turkish Association of Translation Companies (CID) invites you to join us.
CID aims to utilize our good relations with state agencies and various industrial, commercial and academic institutions for the benefit of the industry. You will see that as a CID Member, you will have access to a more open environment and see yourself aim for higher targets and reach find it much easier to reach your business objectives..
Here is a more comprehensive list of reasons why you should become a Member of CID, one of Turkey’s most vibrant of the best NGOs:
- CID represents Turkey in the EU as the only Turkish organization recognized by, and admitted as a member of, EUATC, which has representatives of the translation industries from all European countries. As a CID Member, you will also be represented in this network.
- With its School of Executives, CID organizes seminars for its members which improves their capabilities and skills in a variety of fields. By becoming a CID Member, you can also participate in the School of Executives for free. The program provides information on a broad array of topics, ranging from general management to industry-specific topics.
- CID has begun the "Silk Road Once Again" project to pave the way towards the future of the translation industry in Turkey. This project aims to provide at least a hundred translation companies in Turkey with all the necessary tools, equipment and know-how to transform them into international translation companies. With this project, we will be able to once again establish the Silk Road and turn it into a crossroad for world trade as it was thousands of years ago, but this time for the world's translation industry. You can also be a part of this undertaking by becoming an CID Member.
- With its "Academia-Industry Cooperation Program", CID meets with academics and students at dozens of universities each year, sharing its market experience with them and contributing to the development of the next generation of translation leaders and professionals. By taking part in this project, you can also contribute to the professional development of our country's future generations, thereby contributing to the development of our country as a whole.
- Alongside professional cooperation, CID offers you the chance to create sincere friendships. You can make good friends who will make sure you enjoy both your professional and social lives. CID Members openly share their knowledge and experience with other Members and help them to become more successful in their businesses.
- Apart from the largest translation companies of our country and the world, small companies made up of a single individual are also CID Members. The trait they all share is that they have an ambitious vision and target to become a leading company in their own fields. Join this Association, not only because it is one of the largest organizations of Turkey, but also because it is an organization with a vision of growth.
- CID Members swear a Membership Oath of ethical principles. Therefore, they exhibit no attitudes or behaviors which may result in unfair competition and act in compliance with the law and socially acceptable ethics. You can also be a part of this nurturing environment that fosters the healthy development of our profession and creates an atmosphere of equality and opportunity for translation companies.
- CID has a democratic corporate structure and has developed a culture of strong cooperation among its Members. While each Member is allowed to take the floor, all Members, whether new or former, are offered the chance to serve as a Board of Directors Member, allowing CID to offer new services by being exposed to new opinions and industry approaches.
- Contrary to the cases of instability encountered in our country, stability is a trademark of the policies and attitudes of CID. The board of directors which is elected for a specific term prioritizes the continuation of previously implemented projects and continuation of relations.
- CID creates agreements with various suppliers of essential and added-value goods and services, ranging from legal and quality consulting, occupational safety, courier services, and miscellaneous software products. As a Member, you can purchase these at discounted prices, The Board of Directors negotiates with suppliers of such services and products and helps you save on your regular expenses.
- CID holds monthly meetings. You may participate in these meetings of academia and industry representatives and obtain first-hand information, even if you are not a Member.
In short, CID tries to reach a complete consensus across the industry, to change what is known, and to structure a more profitable Turkish Translation Industry.
Join us in this undertaking so we can all win and prosper together.